

发布时间:2018-04-04 11:27:11 作者:ad_ll小泰 浏览242次

8 long years…….. Finally you have arrived!


Mother and I are overwhelmed with joys and excitement with your arrival. We will ensure we give our best care, unlimited love and most importantly our guidance to you as long as we could. We trust you will be of value to your fellow mankind and society, you will be thrift, shrewdest and most importantly filial piety.


What your mother had gone through the past 8 years was tough both physically and mentally.


Ectopic pregnancy, it was emergency and doctor had to remove one side of her fallopian tube, we knew it would significantly reduce the chances to conceive naturally. We had no choice.


For few years we tried very hard, IUIs, TCM, multiple IVFs, we exhausted every opportunity, unfortunately things didn’t work out. But we never gave up! Wherever we travelled, we prayed…. we never stopped praying! We knew one day our dream would be fulfilled.


After few years, we found out that mother has conceived again, we were over the moon. Things went well for 7 months, one-day mother and I went for routine follow-up not preparing that things were going to get worse, we were informed by doctor that something was not right with your sister. We went for further test, to our despaired it was confirmed that your sister was diagnosed with Patau syndrome (chromosomal abnormality - condition associated with severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities in many parts of the body!). Once again, we were both devastated knowing that we could not kept your sister! Doctor advised to proceed with induce labor immediately, mother and I checked in to the hospital, doctor explained the procedure and started the process. We were told by doctor it would normally take around 3 days unfortunately it was not the case. Every 4-6 hours doctor would administer the drugs so that the womb would open. The process was so painful that your mother could not bear the pain and doctor had to give her painkiller every 4 hours. Day by day gone and the womb just refused to open, looking at your mother suffering and I could not do anything, it was the hardest moment of my life! I wished it was me that laying on that bed! Day 7, doctor came in and told me “if the womb doesn’t open today, you have to take your wife back and come back again for second try”. I was sick to the stomach when I heard what doctor said. Certainly, I did not want your mother to go through that entire process again! Thank god, Day 7 evening, the womb just decided to open and your sister was delivered! I looked at her for 30 seconds, she was motionless, my tears dropped! I refused to let your mother look at your sister, nurse put her body in the container and immediately, I arranged cremation for your sister!


After 2 days, we checked out from the hospital and I took your mother home. Days gone, the reality kicked in and your mother slowly went into depression! For 2 years your mother and I didn’t speak or mention a single word of baby or having the thought to try again! Luckily, your mother managed to come out from it with the help from a special person that we both owe dearly.


God gave us a golden opportunity again when we met with good people that were trying to help us and encouraged us not to give up! With no expectation, we went for IVF again, one single embryo we thought “oh no, not again”but thank god it works out for us this time! Here you are ……..the joy of our life.


Giving Hope to Dreams!


My upmost gratitude to you my friends:without you guys the journey would be impossible!


Shobena, Cleetus, Billy, Penny, Dennis, Sean, Siska, Lydia, Dr Leong, Dato Colin, the embryologists, everyone at Alpha Fertility Centre and of course my mother the best mom in the world!

特别感谢阿儿法生殖中心的全体工作人员,特别是梁医生,Siska, Lydia,以及拿督李医生,非常感谢!